Right to treatment in Sweden
If you live in Denmark and work in Sweden, you are entitled to get the same treatment as Swedish citizens. This applies to both emergency and planned treatment.
This information is for EU/EEA citizens only
Border commuters
Border commuters, i.e. people who live in one country and work in another, can choose where they want to be treated. This applies to both acute and planned treatment. Family members of border workers are excluded, however. They must seek planned treatment in the country of residence, but they are of course entitled to emergency treatment in both countries.
Right to medical treatment – show the National Agency for Social Insurance (Försäkringskassan) certificate
If you live in Denmark and work in Sweden, you must apply for a special certificate: “Certificate of entitlement to healthcare in Sweden”. This entitles you to use the Swedish hospital system without having to pay more than the Swedes. You must show the certificate, for instance, when visiting a doctor or buying medical products.
You apply for a “Certificate of entitlement to healthcare in Sweden” by filling in a form and sending it to:
Försäkringskassans inläsningscentral
839 88 Östersund
Please remember to enclose:
- a copy of your employment contract
- last pay slip
- contact information for your employer
Do not forget to write your Swedish social security number on all documents.
Read more at forsakringskassan.se
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You can always visit our Information Center in Malmø to get help with your questions regarding working, moving or studying in Sweden.