Summary on Swedish unemployment insurance funds
If you want to obtain the right to unemployment benefits, you have to become a member of an unemployment fund. Read about unemployment funds in the following.
This information is for EU/EEA citizens only
Unemployment insurance funds in Sweden
Unemployment insurance funds (a-kassor) are organizations that manage unemployment benefits for their members. If you would like to become a member of an unemployment insurance fund, it must be an unemployment insurance fund in your country of employment. Unemployment insurance funds include certain business areas or industries and may have a connection to trade organizations. However, membership in an unemployment fund does not necessarily entail membership in a trade association or trade union.
A Swedish unemployment insurance fund administers the payment of unemployment benefits (arbetslöshetsersättning) for the unemployed. It is a kind of insurance against unemployment that you draw when you become a member of an unemployment insurance fund. The benefit is calculated based on the unemployed person’s former income, but cannot exceed 80 percent of their salary, max 1200 SEK per day.
Unemployment insurance funds vary in subscription and cost between 110 SEK/month - 200 SEK/month (2023). Check with the individual unemployment insurance fund. Every a-kassa has a designated EU-case worker whom you can contact.
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